How to check your Rewardbalance on Etherscan
Nov 9, 2020

A Short term Workaround for LOYAL Staking:

Since people facing visual UI Bugs, I want to provide you a temporary solution: It’s easy to check your reward balance through Etherscan:

  1. Go to and connect your Web3 Wallet (Metamask etc.)
  2. For the LYL Stakingpool, follow this link:

2. For the rLYL Stakingpool, follow this link:

3. Click on the calculateReward function:

4. Now type in your Wallet Address of the Wallet you have staked Tokens from and click on “Query”

5. The method Response indicates the following parameters:

a) Reward per Minute — in this example: 0.01 LYL
b) Time of Tokens staked in Minutes — in this example: 60 Minutes
c) Total Pool Reward per Period (2 weeks) — in this example: 4318 LYL
d) Total Staked Tokens in Pool — in this example: 52.017989 rLYL
e) Amount of your Tokens staked — in this example: 2 rLYL

You can convert the WEI into the right (Ether) Unit by using this converter:

Sorry for the inconvenience. The UI will get an update/bugfix within the next 24 hours.

Stay tuned and happy staking! 🐶

